A Web Resume – Unleash Your Accessibility 24-7

Introduction – Embrace TechnologyExperience has taught us that, as hardware and software technologies have evolved, we also must evolve to understand and harness its potential to enrich our everyday lives. An analogy is the emergence of ATM’s in the late ’70′s, and consequently Home Banking in the early ’90′s. These technologies provided banking customers with the convenience of virtually 24/7 access to their accounts.Today, job seekers everywhere are being challenged to look beyond traditional business and geographic boundaries for alternative technologies to enhance and maximize the job search process. Today’s challenging economic climate demands a high degree of agility at every level – agility that is best achieved by exploiting all available Information Technology (IT) resources to facilitate the job search.The emergence of job posting boards, search engines, social networking, blogging, and email marketing, now affords the job seeker with an unprecedented level of new channels to streamline the efficiency of their job search. Being proactive, the ultimate goal of the job seeker is to aggressively capitalize on every reasonable technology option to seek out and uncover emerging job opportunities before their competitors do. One such innovative IT resource is the ‘Web Resume’.What is a Web Resume?The Web Resume is a personal website that provides supplemental career background information about the job seeker on a 24/7 basis for interested networking recipients and decision makers. Although not new within the realm of the job search technology arena, this potent resource is rarely utilized as a component as part of one’s job search strategy. Intuitively, the average job seeker may have a predisposed notion that it is merely a web page containing a replication of their resume.In actuality, the appeal of a Web Resume is the flexibility it affords the job seeker to qualify and expand upon career related content from a standard ‘basic’ resume to a multi-page career ‘folio’ of the candidate. It complements and amplifies relevant career data which could not reasonably fit within the confines of a standard resume. It clearly is not intended as a replacement of one’s resume.As with any website, the captivation and allure is its flexibility to add new content, pages, and media (that the job seeker deems relevant and inspiring), at their discretion. A ‘hyperlink’ or ‘link’ is incorporated within the website and utilized to activate and view any number of vital documents or files. It excels in marketing and promoting one’s attributes, skills, achievements, and creativity. It’s intended to reflect a highly polished and professional image without getting ‘too personal’! Its visual appeal resonates the qualities, and ethics of the job seeker to the reader.What Are Your Direct Benefits?A Web Resume provides convenience to interested networked recipients of your web address by allowing them to display and print a quality copy of your resume (and other career information), anytime, 24/7, without your personal intervention. This is accomplished by incorporating a URL (Uniform Resource Locator, or simply, the ‘web address’) of your Web Resume throughout your networking channels and directly in your resume header along with other typical contact information. This address is subsequently accessible on job posting boards which you have re-posted your updated resume on. By utilizing ‘hyperlinks’ the website may easily display your actual resume in a myriad of desired formats such as – MS Word, or Adobe PDF. Frankly, the convenience of handing out a business card containing your contact information (including your web address), is much more appealing and convenient as opposed to carrying resumes with you at all times!By incorporating your Web Resume address in your ‘social’ networking (such as Linked-In, Face Book, Twitter, blogs, and e-mails), you can actually propagate your Web Resume address exponentially! This approach dramatically increases your chances of getting noticed through social networking channels.Regardless of how the interested recipient receives your Web Resume address, your chances of having it reviewed (beyond the typical 10-20 second allocation), actually improves. You therefore substantially enhance your chances of generating an elevated level of interest, being invited to an interview, and, making a ‘short list’.By being proactive and resourceful, a Web Resume bolsters your image and significantly increases your chances of being noticed. It affords the job seeker with a myriad of marketing media options such as – a personal welcome video, video clips from school activities, audio files (.wav files), publications, papers, and awards. You’ve succeeded in creating your own unique media rich ‘web folio’!Providing a URL or address to your Web Resume (through the various channels mentioned), guarantees that it is easily accessible by the recipient. Sending your resume via email (either imbedded as text within the email message or, as an attachment), could be risky predicated on the level of PC security utilized by the recipient (e.g. spam or firewall restrictions). Invariably, in this instance, the default scenario would necessitate that an alternative method (e.g. Fax) of your resume be transmitted to the recipient.Interested In Proceeding? – Your OptionsThere are countless services that will create a Web Resume for you (some for free), or, for a fee. The extent of the service may vary from simply converting your resume into an HTML format (web language file format), or, to a mutli-page media rich ‘folio’. Two free blogging services which may be utilized to post your resume on are provided by Blogger.com and WordPress.com.Typically as is the case with most web resume or blogging services, your domain name or website address will typically incorporate your name within the URL (web address) of the hosting service. The recipient or astute reader will see the prominent branding of the service on your web resume page. Ostensibly, you are sharing or, co-branding your web resume page with the web hosting company. It’s always best to read the ‘fine print’ before proceeding with any service promoting this capability.Regardless of the fee, actively promoting the branding of the Web Resume hosting service to your discerning reader is not typically in your best interest. Third party branding on your Web Resume site does not impart a level of innovation, creativity, or resourcefulness by the candidate. Essentially, your Web Resume becomes an advertising ‘billboard’ for the hosting service. Your good intentions to market and promote yourself are prominently being shared with another party!Alternatively, a preferred method is to create a Web Resume by securing your own personal domain name for your Web Resume. You have exclusivity to the domain and full control of the content including – the number of pages, background template, appearance, and media options. You can easily modify the content and add new pages on your own, including a generic cover letter (although not usually recommended). Of significant value, you are marketing yourself exclusively and not co-branding with a 3rd party!There’s no need to be intimidated and perceive the Web Resume as a challenging technical exercise. A personal domain and website can easily be secured in minutes by web hosting services such as Yahoo (Small Business), Go-Daddy, or Intuit, for a very nominal fee. Using the very simple ‘step-by-step’ instructions and effortless site building tools provided, the majority of non-technical web neophytes can develop their first draft in just a few hours. Optionally, many Professional Resume Services will collaborate with their clients on the content and offer this service through similar hosting channels for a very nominal and fair development fee.To SummarizeAs a firm believer that a resume should be tailored or targeted for a specific job opening, your job search must also incorporate a multitude of strategies to optimize your search and visibility. Skills are relevant and highly portable. The discerning recipient is fully aware of this. Comparable to the introduction of the ATM and Home Banking, a Web Resume is always working for you 24/7. Update your resume and business cards with your new Web Address. Re-post your updated resume containing your new Web Address on your job posting sites. Propagate your Web Resume address in your social networking channels, blog postings, and article submissions. Its vital that the core business strategies for your search incorporate a myriad of Internet technologies, platforms, and services. Let your Web Resume be one of your key elements for a cost-effective and efficient job search!

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